News from Mont Avic
The Choughbusters are working in Mont Avic Natural Park these days The weather situation is not so good and today we also had some rain in the field, but the snow is melting quickly (as shown by the pictures below) and we need to catch three more individuals for the radio-tags. Enrico and I could observe several Alpine Choughs (flocks up to 12 individuals) feeding on grasslands but they feed especially near the snow-patches even now that there are fewer and fewer areas covered in snow. We decided to use the same method as the one we used in Cervinia (i.e. clap-nets with bread and raisins as bait) but here they are wary and avoid our nets trying to get around the trap with short hops. Even though they seem very interested in bread, they look at the nets carefully and they rarely go near them. Their gregarious spirit is manifest: they very seldom fly alone while there are usually couples or groups with some individuals flying and exploiting a patch together and when a membe...